
Britt Merrick and his team have been working to develop performance board rockers that translate across a wide variety of conditions to provide a consistent and reliable platform for shredding. His most popular shortboard, the CI 2.Pro is currently that board.

Lengthened and refined, the all new CI2.Pro Step Up has become the go to performance board in waves of consequence. Maintaining the same curves and contours for maximally radical transitions in larger, steeper conditions, the CI2.Pro Step Up is suited for surfers looking for a more advanced higher performance board than the Happy Traveler within the CI range for a step up.
We recommend that you ride this step-up 2 to 4 inches longer than your standard CI2.Pro. In doing so, you’ll maintain the same responsive and radical feel as your daily shred stick in more serious waves and experience ultimate ease of transition within your quiver as you switch between boards.

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